Reflection: In my opinion, my presentation went well and I explained my pitch idea clearly and efficiently. Despite this, I should have made the title of the film clearer and I would have liked to described why it was called 'Retiner' in the first place, which would be a great narrative hook. I also would have liked to talk more about the characters and where the physical filming location would be, since it would help with the narrative and story telling if my classmates could imagine my pitch in a familiar area (more realistic), the Barbican would be an excellent place to film (dystopian). Relating to the actual way I presented my pitch, I think could have sold it more convincingly and I was very nervous and so talked quickly and glazed over some important points that I had on my PowerPoint. In the future I am going to make my PowerPoint more condense and add less writing and more photographs, so that I don't feel as overwhelmed when presenting. I liked the way that I laid out my pitch and I liked the colour scheme (+layout), it was positively received from my clad the images that I used because I felt they were well chosen and made the slide more exiting, which was especially effective for the Mise-en-scene section.